Yuanting Wang Doubles Thru Gautam Dhingra

Sep 23, 2024

Yuanting Wang

Andy Behniya raises to 45,000 and Yuanting Wang calls in the cutoff. Gautam Dhingra three-bets to 210,000 in the small blind and Behniya folds. Wang uses three time banks and pushes all-in, Dhingra snap-calls.

Yuanting Wang: Diamond ADiamond K
Gautam Dhingra: Heart KClub K

“I had queen jack,” Behniya says as a small crowd gathers around the table. The board runs out Heart JClub 10Spade 3Diamond 10Club A and the ace on the river is heart break for Dhingra. Wang doubles for 1,000,000 on the dot and that leaves Dhingra on just eleven blinds.

Yuanting Wang – 2,100,000 (105 bb)
Andy Behniya – 1,625,000 (81 bb)
Gautam Dhingra – 220,000 (11 bb)

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