Aug 22, 2016
Around midnight last night, at the final three tables of Turbo Flight 1E, there was a bad beat on Table 53 that angered a player so much that it resulted in a disqualification. Here are the details as they were recorded last night:
Players at Table 53 tell us that three players saw a flop of , and then Yan Touchette got it all in with against the of Chris Arvanitis.
The turn card was the , giving Touchette the lead with a set of kings. Before the river card even comes out, Arvanitis grabs his chips and throws them at the center of the table, scattering chips all over.
Arvanitis is already on his way out of the room as the dealer puts out the on the river. It’s worth noting that Arvanitis still has about 21,000 left in his stack even after losing that pot, but his body language seems to indicate that he’s given up on the tournament. (And the security guards following Arvanitis to the door seem to indicate that the tournament may have given up on him.)
When in-progress hands finish on the other two tables, the tournament clock is stopped so the staff can check the cameras to reset the affected chip stacks to their proper amounts.
Eventually, the chips are stacked and separated, and the 21,000 or so (about 9 big blinds) that would have been left in the stack of Arvanitis is removed from play. The TD announces that the player has been disqualified, his chips have been removed, and play will continue without him.
Yan Touchette – 86,000 (36 bb)
Chris Arvanitis – Disqualified