Apr 16, 2018
On the river of a board , Farid Yachou bet 5,000 and was called by Ali Matin. The latter glanced over at the other side of the table to see Yachou’s cards and nodded when he was being shown the
for a set.
Steve O’Dwyer had barely sat down when he defended his big blind to a button raise to 500. On the flop both players checked, O’Dwyer bet 600 on the
turn and was raised to 2,100, the Irishman called. After the
river, O’Dwyer checked and called a bet of 4,400 to see his opponent muck instantly and forfeit the pot.
Farid Yachou – 39,000
Ali Matin – 38,000
Steve O’Dwyer – 37,000