Updated Chip Counts Table 1

Feb 22, 2025

Collin Ho raises to 60,000 in the cutoff and Amin Riyazati calls on the button. Apoorva Goal three-bets to 265,000 in the small blind and forces out all opponents.

Dominik Nitsche then calls Goel’s button raise for 60,000 and leads the Heart KSpade 8Heart 3 flop for 65,000, Goel calls. Nitsche bets the Club J turn for 330,000 and Goel folds.

Seat 1. Collin Ho – 1,880,000 (63 bb)
Seat 2. Amin Riyazati – 2,090,000 (70 bb)
Seat 3. Apoorva Goel – 1,510,000 (50 bb)
Seat 4. Supakit Anukoolpitaknil – 710,000 (24 bb)
Seat 6. Peteris Enders – 2,225,000 (74 bb)
Seat 7. Dominik Nitsche – 4,150,000 (138 bb)

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