Sep 21, 2018
Blake Whittington raises to 500 in the hijack and Viet Vo calls from the cutoff. From the button, Jesse Rockowitz three-bets to 2,200 and Justin Ligeri calls in the small blind.
Whittington and Vo both call, and the dealer spreads a flop that checks round.
The turn lands the , and action checks to Vo who bets 4,000. Rockowitz calls next to act, while Ligeri and Whittington both fold.
The river is the , and Vo bets out 12,400 and Rockowitz calls.
Vo tables his for bottom set, but it would be Rockowitz’s
for top set that would scoop the pot.
Jesse Rockowitz – 63,700
Blake Whittington – 47,700
Justin Ligeri – 19,600
Viet Vo – 16,000