"Rigged Flop" Leads to an A.J. Kelsall Double Thru Chris Moorman

Dec 19, 2024

AJ Kelsall..RKM.HR-4Photo:  A.J. Kelsall

WPT Champions Club member Chris Moorman raises to 200,000 from the cutoff and A.J. Kelsall calls in the big blind.

The flop comes Diamond ADiamond 10Diamond 9, Kelsall checks, Moorman moves all in, and Kelsall calls all in with Diamond KDiamond 5 for the nut flush. Moorman shows Heart 9Diamond 7.

The Club A turn gives Moorman a few outs to a full house.

The Diamond 6 river completes the board, safe for Kelsall to double up.

“What a rigged flop,” says Moorman, getting laughs around the table. “Unreal.”

A.J. Kelsall  –  2,650,000  (27 bb)
Chris Moorman  –  10,150,000  (102 bb)

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