Neng Zhao vs. Ronald Haverkamp

Feb 23, 2025

Ronald Haverkamp raises from the hijack to 100,000, Neng Zhao reraises from the cutoff to 260,000, and Haverkamp calls.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Diamond 10Diamond 8Diamond 3Spade 2, Haverkamp checks, Zhao bets 225,000, and Haverkamp calls.

The river card is the Heart K, Haverkamp checks, Zhao moves all in for 1,060,000, and Haverkamp thinks for a while before he folds. Zhao shows one card — the Spade 9 — as he takes the pot.

Neng Zhao  –  2,155,000  (43 bb)
Ronald Haverkamp  –  2,585,000  (52 bb)

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