Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault Survives on the River

May 19, 2024

Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault raises to 280,000 from middle position and Kyle Chang puts him all in from under the gun. Carpentier-Perrault tosses in his last 5,000 chip.

Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault: Club ASpade Q
Kyle Chang: Club JDiamond J

Chang’s jacks stay in the lead through the turn on a board of Club 7Club 5Diamond 2Club 6, but Carpentier-Perrault spikes the Heart A on the river to double up.

Marc-Olivier Carpentier-Perrault- 600,000 (30 bb)
Kyle Chang- 50,000 (3 bb)

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