Jan 31, 2017
Chris Limo opens the action with a raise to 3,500 preflop under the gun, and Ian Searing calls from middl position. Ben Tarzia (pictured) reraises to 7,500 from the cutoff and both opponents call. The flop is dealtĀ , and Tarzia bets 6,000. Limo and Searing both call and the turn fallsĀ
. Limo bets 16,100 and Searing reraises an additional 21,900. Tarzia folds and Limo tanks for a few moments before folding. Searing stacks up 151,000 after collecting the pot.
Ian Searing – 151,000 (125 bb)
Ben Tarzia – 60,000 (50 bb)
Chris Limo – 52,000 (43 bb)