Hands #97-99: David Tang Doubles Thru Po Ho

Sep 26, 2022

David Tang
Photo:  David Tang

HAND #97  –  Everyone folds to Naj Ajez, giving him a walk in the big blind.

HAND #98  –  David Tang moves all in from the button for 2,850,000, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #99  –  Po Ho moves all in from the small blind, and David Tang uses one of his Time Chips to give himself extra time.

After about 45 seconds, Tang says, “This could be good, or this could be bad.” Tang calls with Spade QClub J.

Ho turns over Heart JDiamond 7, and Tang is in as good a position as he could hope for. Tang needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club 9Club 5Spade 4Club QClub 8, and Tang pairs his queen on the turn and rivers a club flush to win the pot and double up in chips.

Seat 1.  Naj Ajez  –  10,525,000  (42 bb)
Seat 2.  Po Ho  –  18,275,000  (73 bb)
Seat 3.  David Tang  –  6,700,000  (27 bb)

Po Ho and David Tang
Photo:  Po Ho (top left) pays out the all-in bet of David Tang (top right).

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