Hands #31-33: David Tang Doubles Thru De Kun Li

Sep 26, 2022

David Tang
Photo:  David Tang (center)

HAND #31  –  Naj Ajez raises from the hijack to 150,000, Po Ho calls from the cutoff, and De Kun Li calls from the big blind. The flop comes Spade KClub QHeart 9, Li checks, and Ajez bets 175,000. Ho folds, and Li calls.

The turn card is the Spade 7, Li checks, Ajez bets 900,000, and Li folds. Ajez takes the pot.

HAND #32  –  Naj Ajez raises from middle position to 150,000, and Daisuke Ogita calls from the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart 9Heart 3Spade 3Heart J, Ogita bets 125,000, and Ajez folds. Ogita takes the pot.

HAND #33  –  De Kun Li raises from the button to 150,000, David Tang moves all in from the big blind for 1,800,000, and Li calls with Heart JDiamond J.

Tang turns over Spade ADiamond K, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond ADiamond QSpade 7Heart 2Spade Q, and Tang pairs his ace on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

David Tang  –  3,725,000  (50 bb)
De Kun Li  –  2,110,000  (28 bb)

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