Hands #20-22: Artem Vezhenkov Four-Bets Dominik Nitsche

Feb 23, 2025

HAND #20: Ankit Ahuja makes it 150,000 to go from the cutoff and folds when Daniel Charlton three-bets to 50,000 in the small blind. Charlton flashes the Diamond KSpade K.

HAND #21: Artem Vezhenkov lets his action clock run down to almost zero and then raises to 250,000 in the small blind. Dominik Nitsche three-bets to 750,000 and Vezhenkov then uses two time banksĀ 

HAND #22: Ahuja opens to 150,000 in the cutoff, Charlton comes along in the cutoff and so do Dominik Nitsche and Supakit Anukoolpitaknil in the blinds. They check the Heart KSpade 4Club 2 flop to the Spade K turn and Nitsche bets 225,000. Anukoolpitaknil folds, Ahuja raises to 575,000 and Charlton folds while Nitsche calls.

They check the Spade 9 on the river and Nitsche wins the pot with the Diamond KHeart J for trips kings. After the hand is over, the final six are heading on a short five-minute break.

Seat 1. Ronald Haverkamp – 4,525,000 (60 bb)
Seat 2. Daniel Charlton – 2,550,000 (34 bb)
Seat 3. Artem Vezhenkov – 6,425,000 (86 bb)
Seat 4. Dominik Nitsche – 7,925,000 (106 bb)
Seat 5. Supakit Anukoolpitaknil – 6,250,000 (83 bb)
Seat 6. Ankit Ahuja – 9,775,000 (130 bb)

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