Aug 6, 2023
HAND #139:
Loic Menneneau raises to 550,000 with and Samy Boujmala calls with
The flop comes and both players check.
The turn brings the and Boujmala bets 200,000. Menneneau calls.
The river is the , Boujmala bets 350,000 and Menneneau calls. Boujmala tables the winning straight.
HAND #140:
Samy Boujmala limps with and Menneneau checks with
The flop comes , and Menneneau bets 350,000. Boujmala calls.
The turn brings the Menneneau checks and Boujmala bets 900,000 winning himself the pot.
HAND #141:
Loic Menneneau raises 600,000 with winning himself the pot.
HAND #142:
Samy Boujmala raises to 400,000 with winning himself the pot.
HAND #143:
Loic Menneneau limps with and Samy Boujmala checks with
The flop comes and Menneneau bets 200,000. Boujmala calls.
The turn brings the and both players check.
The river brings the and both players check again. Boujmala’s king high takes it.
Samy Boujmala – 7,500,000 (38 bb)
Loic Menneneau – 6,300,000 (32 bb)