Hamish Crawshaw Doubles Through Billy Argyros

Oct 6, 2019

Hamish Crawshaw raises from the button. Billy Argyros comes over the top with a re-raise to 100,000 from the small blind. Crawshaw then moves all in for 305,000 which sends Argyros into the tank.

“I miss-clicked Hamish,” starts Argyros. “It was meant to be 125!” he adds.

“Want me to call?” asks Argyros, who receives no response from a motionless Crawshaw.

“I have s*** but I think I’m in front,” Argyros finishes with, before ultimately making the call.

“Wow! Well done,” voices Argyros, after Crawshaw flips over Heart AClub K.

“Didn’t think you had that,” sighs Argyros, before revealing Heart KHeart 7.

Crawshaw doesn’t have it all his way, forced to sweat the Heart 6Spade 9Heart 5 flop, before relaxing after the board runs out the Club 2 and Diamond A giving him the winning hand with a pair.

Hamish Crawshaw – 640,000
Billy Argyros – 268,000

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