Fabian Gumz Vs Maria Konnikova

Dec 18, 2024

With two players seeing a board of Heart 10Spade 7Diamond JDiamond Q and around 500,000 in the middle, Maria Konnikova checks in the small blind and Fabian Gumz bets 165,000 from under the gun. Konnikova calls.

Konnikova leads for 205,000 on the Diamond 6 river. Gumz tanks for a couple of minutes before calling.

Konnikova has Diamond 9Spade 9 for a pair of nines with straight and flush blockers. Gumz has Diamond KDiamond 5 for a king-high flush to win the pot.

Fabian Gumz – 1,825,000 (73 bb)
Maria Konnikova – 565,000 (23 bb)

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