Cooper Feltham Flips Guillaume Nolet to the Rail

Oct 27, 2024

Cooper Feltham raises to 8,000 under the gun, Guillaume Nolet moves all in for 75,000 in early position, and Feltham calls.

Guillaume Nolet: Heart ADiamond K
Cooper Feltham: Diamond 9Heart 9

Nolet is flipping against Feltham’s nines, but the Heart JSpade 8Diamond 2Diamond 10Heart 4 board provides no help as he heads to the rail.

Among other players recently eliminated are Vadim Rozin, Mike Leah, Rayan Chamas, and Phil Kessel.

Cooper Feltham- 320,000 (80 bb)
Guillaume Nolet- eliminated
Vadim Rozin– eliminated
Rayan Chamas– eliminated
Mike Leah– eliminated
Phil Kessel– eliminated

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