Feb 22, 2025
Collin Ho raises to 60,000 in the cutoff and Amin Riyazati calls on the button. Apoorva Goal three-bets to 265,000 in the small blind and forces out all opponents.
Dominik Nitsche then calls Goel’s button raise for 60,000 and leads the flop for 65,000, Goel calls. Nitsche bets the
turn for 330,000 and Goel folds.
Seat 1. Collin Ho – 1,880,000 (63 bb)
Seat 2. Amin Riyazati – 2,090,000 (70 bb)
Seat 3. Apoorva Goel – 1,510,000 (50 bb)
Seat 4. Supakit Anukoolpitaknil – 710,000 (24 bb)
Seat 6. Peteris Enders – 2,225,000 (74 bb)
Seat 7. Dominik Nitsche – 4,150,000 (138 bb)