Oct 28, 2024
Photo: Eun Park
Fadi Chamoun opens from under the gun, Eun Park three-bet shoves for 385,000 from the button, Oleg Boulchyi re-shoves from the big blind with a covering stack and Chamoun gets out of the way leaving Park at risk against Boulchyi.
Eun Park:
Oleg Boulchyi:
Boulchyi is ahead with pocket kings but Park smashes the flop with top pair and the nut-flush draw. She remains ahead when the rest of the board runs out
to to double up through Boulchyi who is left with less than ten big blinds.
Eun Park – 850,000 (34 bb)
Fadi Chamoun – 675,000 (27 bb)
Oleg Boulchyi – 175,000 (7 bb)