Mar 26, 2024
Photo: Michael Kinney
HAND #159 – Michael Kinney raises to 750,000, and Casey Sandretto calls. The flop comes , Sandretto checks, Kinney bets 800,000, and Sandretto folds. Kinney takes the pot.
HAND #160 – Casey Sandretto raises to 650,000, and Michael Kinney folds.
HAND #161 – Michael Kinney raises to 750,000, and Casey Sandretto folds.
HAND #162 – Casey Sandretto raises to 650,000, Michael Kinney reraises to 3,000,000, and Sandretto folds. Kinney takes the pot.
HAND #163 – Michael Kinney limps for 300,000, and Casey Sandretto checks his option in the big blind. Both players check to the turn on a board of , Sandretto bets 400,000, and Kinney calls.
The river card is the , Sandretto checks, Kinney bets 1,400,000, and Sandretto thinks for a while before he calls. Kinney shows
to win the pot with a queen-high flush. Sandretto mucks.
Kinney retakes the chip lead.
Casey Sandretto – 10,875,000 (36 bb)
Michael Kinney – 12,025,000 (40 bb)