Apr 17, 2018
Just after the last three hands were announced, Ludovic Geilich suffered a setback and dropped below the starting stack again. Geilich had been as low as 12,000 and more than tripled that before paying off a bet of 7,800 by Michiel Brummelhuis on the river of a board . Brummelhuis turned over the
for top pair and that was enough to win the pot.
In the last hand of the night, Dzmitry Rabotkin doubled his tiny stack of 2,675 with against the
of Joris Ruijs, the board had ran out
Michiel Brummelhuis – 50,000
Joris Ruijs – 34,500
Ludovic Geilich – 28,000
Dzmitry Rabotkin – 7,400