Apr 29, 2016
Ali Sheikholeslami opens for 600 from middle position and Blake Tarbell calls from the hijack. Simon Pin-Disle then three-bets to 1,600 from the cutoff, the remaining three players left to act all fold, and both Sheikholeslami and Tarbell call to see a flop.
Sheikholeslami opts to lead out for 3,150, Tarbell quickly calls, and Pin-Disle gets out of the way to make it heads-up action to the turn.
Sheikholeslami bets again, this time 5,000, and Tarbell snap-calls to see the river. Sheikholeslami slows down with a check, and Tarbell bets 7,500. Sheikholeslami tanks for a solid two minutes before making the call, but mucks just as soon as Tarbell tables the
for the nuts.
Blake Tarbell – 50,000
Ali Sheikholeslami – 5,000